Completing your gift

Completing your gift

After you have chosen your payment method and amount, you will be prompted to choose where to designate your gift. United Way designations will be listed first, followed by the St. Luke's University Health Network general fund. If you wish to designate to one of these designations, use the slider bar to fill the appropriate designation(s) or enter the amount(s) manually. 

If you wish to designate somewhere else, click FIND A CHARITY/INITIATIVE. The following will appear. Enter the name of the designation and press SEARCH. 

Results will appear on the right.


When you see the designation of your choice, click on it and a similar box will appear showing details about the designation. If this is the correct designation, click ADD THIS CHARITY. If not correct, click the X to go back. 

You will now be back at the Choose an Agency screen, but the designation(s) of your choosing will below SELECTED CHARITIES. Click ADD TO DESIGNATIONS to return to the screen to enter amount(s) and percentage(s). 

Your chosen designation(s) will appear at the bottom of the list. Slide the bar over to fill percentage(s) or manually key the amount(s). Click CONTINUE when you are done. 

The final screen of the process is the REVIEW AND COMPLETE GIFT screen. If you do not wish to be anonymous, just go ahead and click FINISH to complete your gift.   

A video will load thanking you for your gift and you will receive a confirmation email shortly.

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